About our service
How long does it take to get there ?
It takes about 45 minutes.
Is there any suspension day?
We provide you with our services all the year round , however, due to bad weather we might stop the ship service.
Why does your route change and cancel, due to the tide level?
Our ship pass on the river,so, high water level prevent us to go under bridge, and may cause our ship to be stranded. In that case we cancel our services. When you check our cancelation, please check here..
About Access
Where is the pier?
Please check here.
Please tell me how do we get to pier from Hiroshima Sta.
Please check here, when you come from Hirosima Sta.
Do you have any parking area?
I'm sorry but we have no parking. Please park in neighborhood.
About boarding
Can we take a reserved seat?
Our ship has benches and these seats are no reserved seats.
Can I go to the open deck?
You can go to the open deck. But you will not be able to get out to the deck when the captain is determined to be dangerous (weather and tide).
Can I get on board ship with a wheelchair?
Yes, you can use your wheelchair. However, there is a stairway at the shore, and our ship are small, so we have only a room for one wheelchair.Click here to check.
Can I bring a baby carriage?
There are small spaces for your luggage, but sometimes you can't it,due to crowded.
Can I bring a bicycle on ship?
No, you can't. Because a ship does not have a place to put a bicycle on.
Can I go on board with my pets such as a dog or a cat?
No, you can't
Do you sell a drink and food by ship?
We don't sell.
Can I bring something to eat or drink?
You can bring it, however because there are other passenger, you should not bring something to smells bad.
Is there a restroom on the ship?
Yes, there is a restroom on each ship.
About Pier
Is there any coin locker at Motoyasubashi Pier?
No,there is not. There are some coin locker around pier. Click here to check.
Is there the restroom at Motoyasubashi pier?
There is no restroom here. But restroom are located in around the pier, please check here.
Is there any coin locker at Miyajima 3rd pier?
There is no coin locker , please use the coin lockers of the ferry terminal.
Is there any restroom near Miyajima 3rd pier?
There is no restroom on the waiting room, but a public restroom is provided in ferry terminal.
About online reservation.
Can I board without a reservation?
Tickets for today that require no reservation are also available. You can board if seats are available on that day. If you do not have a reservation, you are recommended to come to the pier well before boarding time and buy tickets in advance.
Is the reservation number in the reservation reply email necessary?
The reservation number is necessary to cancel your reservation, which can be done until one day before your reserved boarding date.You can cancel your reservation by logging into our website using your reservation number and email address. (On the boarding date, you will not be able to access the website and you will not be able to cancel your reservation.)
I am going to take a round trip. I want to climb Mt. Misen but I don't know when I should take a return boat.
Miyajima is very crowded depending on the season. If you wait for a long time to take the ropeway, you may miss your return boat.During a busy season, we may not be able to accept time changes because of full boats. Reserve a return boat that gives you enough time for your stay. Reservations cannot be changed online.
Can I change my boarding time or the date online?
Reservations cannot be changed online. Cancel your previous reservation by logging in and make a new reservation. Cancellation of your reservation must be done at least one day before your reserved boarding date. If you forget to cancel your reservation, the full fare amount will be charged.
What about cancellation fees?
If you cancel your reservation at least one day before your reserved boarding date, no cancellation fee will be charged. If you cancel your reservation on the boarding date, the full amount of the fare will be charged. If you do not show up, the full amount of the fare will be charged.
What happens if the number of passengers increases on the boarding date?
Passengers without a reservation can buy tickets for today at the Pier Ticket Counter if seats are available. *We do not accept same-day reservations. We do not accept same-day reservation changes either.
What happens if the number of passengers decreases on the boarding date?
If reservations are not cancelled until one day before the reserved boarding date, you will be charged the fare even without boarding. If you are not certain about the number of passengers, you are recommended to buy tickets for today on the boarding date without making a reservation.
On the boarding date, can I change my boarding time?
If seats are available on a boat you want to board, you can change your boarding time at the Pier Ticket Counter. *Same-day changes to the number of passengers or date cannot be accepted.
What about cancellation fees if service is cancelled due to severe weather?
In case of same-day cancellation of service due to our company’s circumstances, no cancellation fees will be charged. If other boats are operating and seats are available, you can change your boarding time. If we should decide to cancel service due to severe weather, you will be informed by email.
I want to know details about credit card payment.
Accepted credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, JCB, AMEX, Diners) Only a lump-sum payment is accepted. Credit card fees are not charged. You can use a credit card under your own name only. For a receipt, please use the account statement issued by the credit card company. We charge credit card companies based on boarding dates. After that, charges will be paid for each credit card company from the credit card settlement accounts.
My credit card is not authorized.
If the use of order by credit card payment is not approved, please check the following items. Did you enter your credit card number, expiration date and security code correctly? Has the amount used exceeded the maximum credit limit?